Kabul is in between 60 thousand and 70 thousand street children who are living very miserable lives, according to estimates of human rights associations, and challenging some of the elderly who have blocked ports in their faces a living begging and harassment of passersby on the urgency of their problems. The majority of children live on begging or shining shoes, cleaning cars and custody for the theft of the prevalence of the side mirrors of cars and tires. When I went with the Colonel, a peace of life in a former military adviser to the Afghan Embassy in London is the closest figures to Ahmed Shah Massoud, the commander of the Northern Alliance who was assassinated by Al Qaeda two days before the September attacks to a restaurant in downtown Kabul, Herat, for dinner, paid for a group of boys a little money to guard the car . When we came back we had five of these boys within the age of 12 gathered around, and the payment of each and every one of them about 20 dollars or half of Afghanistan.
The Colonel said to
me, life «that the problem is chronic, and street children is not a general phenomenon in Kabul alone, but in many Afghan cities, due to a lack of social services». He added: «Afghan street children worked as street or begging Jailin. Many lost their parents or one parent in the wars in Afghanistan over the past three decades, suffered from severe psychological crisis. And has 50 thousand victims of war in Kabul alone ». He explained: «I believe that education can make the society against child labor». I have already made several visits to Afghanistan were the first days of the Taliban, which banned television and the education of girls, and plunged the end of 2001. It is clear to me as a look at news reports from Afghanistan, the Western media more interested in the military side and the suicide bombings and terrorism, with a flood of photographs published in the media that is dominated by the image of the burqa and the begging and the owners of beards and insurgents in the streets wherever you go. Note that there is a normal daily life will prevail in Afghanistan, after six and a half years from the fall of the Taliban regime, but unfortunately we do not hear anything about it.
Afghan children as part of the daily life of these. The children in the country where the average does not exceed the life of the individual fifty years, the country's future and hope. Sadviny and during my stay in Afghanistan for two weeks, I visited the Bagram U.S. military base and the mandate of Kunar, Asad Abad and Bamyan province, a younger generation full of vigor and vitality, which radiate energy, and appear on the face Chortle. What I saw in this generation does not conform to the stereotype known to us, and I saw girls in the center of Kabul at the age of flowers veiled orphans and children begging, and Ahaven hands or feet amputated due to years of jihad. I have also tried through what I have seen on the streets of Afghanistan to focus on child labor, which is often a social need will not disappear in the near term, as the girls and boys are helping to improve their incomes have stagnated material.
The problem lies in the portrayal of child labor in how to show the child in the picture. Through Mhahdhati those children identified as persons who act, not merely the subject of Osourhm before the camera lens, that is, I followed the control of what they are doing already, rather than ask them to do something for the camera only.
And street children in Kabul, are facing many problems and dangers,
including violence, which represents the bulk of their daily lives, whether of violence between groups of young children, or violence from the society around them, or violence at work. There are children dying every day in Afghanistan, as a result of lung disease, malnutrition and other diseases that can be avoided.
Children are als
o the refusal of society, because they are unwanted children in the areas of certain communities, because of their clothes and general appearance. In addition to exposure to various health problems seem to clear pimples and rashes, which takes them from living conditions, and psychological problems because of their failure to adapt to life on the street. And children are the main wealth of the people must live in the body of society, not to remain on the sidelines, to receive all the care in order to produce a generation is true, however, distorted. The situation of the war raging in Afghanistan, for example, affected large numbers of children who lost their lives either directly to the daily suicide bombings in the south of the country, or even in the capital, Kabul, and either ground wars relatives did not find a reason for care. Afghanistan is at the top of the list of countries affected by war, their children there, and there is no dispute that Afghan children are more affected by the ongoing war in the country for decades, have been converted to an enormous number of them orphaned and deprived of all forms of care, as it occupies the fourth place in Afghanistan the high number of deaths of children in the world, after Sierra Leone, Angola and Niger.
The loser
in any war are the children, and this loss is magnified if the target country such as Afghanistan poor. After more than seven years in the fall of the Taliban, there are now approximately 300 thousand Afghan children can not go to school, due to ongoing bombing and murder. The percentage of these children are deprived of education in Afghanistan, occupied by 50% since 2006; where 200 children are forced to their homes unnecessarily, for fear of war between NATO forces and Taliban militants. According to government estimates there are 6 million students in schools on a regular basis, but still the Taliban imposed against the education authority in Kandahar, Uruzgan, Helmand and Lashkar Gah in southern Afghanistan, and the Taliban from time to time to burn schools, and the Afghan government estimated the number of schools Taliban burned more than 200 schools in the Afghan south. The officials say the Afghan Interior Ministry: «The Government of Afghanistan will all its might to the fight against terrorism
The Colonel said to


The problem lies in the portrayal of child labor in how to show the child in the picture. Through Mhahdhati those children identified as persons who act, not merely the subject of Osourhm before the camera lens, that is, I followed the control of what they are doing already, rather than ask them to do something for the camera only.
And street children in Kabul, are facing many problems and dangers,

Children are als

The loser
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