Street children in the Mexico. There are those who work on the streets as their only means of getting money, There are lived in the streets during the day but return to some form of family at night and those who permanently live on the street without a family network. The most vulnerable are those who actually sleep and live on the streets, under bridges, in gutters, in railway stations. While they may have small jobs such as market-selling to pull through,Group of street children training tasks
such as economic training.
The range of non-formal initiatives for street children is vast. Methods vary from using dance, music and sports to circus and art. Some of these practices supported by UNESCO now form part of the Programme for the Education of Children in Need. Street children are very prone to abuse and exploitation in these circumstances .There are many reasons why children are abandoned & left homeless, such as domestic violence and family breakup, as well as economic migration of the parents to the United States

The range of non-formal initiatives for street children is vast. Methods vary from using dance, music and sports to circus and art. Some of these practices supported by UNESCO now form part of the Programme for the Education of Children in Need. Street children are very prone to abuse and exploitation in these circumstances .There are many reasons why children are abandoned & left homeless, such as domestic violence and family breakup, as well as economic migration of the parents to the United States
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